Product Detail

Adams Bucket Elevators are designed and manufactured to deliver years of reliable performance in high-volume bulk material handling applications. With a reputation of proven performance that is unmatched in the industry. Adams bucket elevators are continuously welded in our high precision jig assemblies to provide maximum structural strength. 

All bearings are externally mounted and heavy duty pillow blocks insure safety and provide long life. All pulleys are crowned continuously welded steel. Head pulleys have vulcanized rubber lagging as standard equipment. Standard buckets are high-strength poly, CC style for maximum capacity and long life. Oil and moisture resistant PVC belting is standard. 

Our bucket elevators and drag flight conveyors are available in many standard sizes with up to 300 TPH capacities. . If you have a special application, contact our sales or engineering staff. Let us discuss your specific requirements with you.

"With Adams Equipment, I feel that we get the dependability and quality we need to get the job done."

Mark Oliver
Location Manager, Royster Clark
Creswell, NC

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